[Tutorial] Presence detection with bluetooth beacon

Thanks for clearing that out! And nice to hear that the app works like you expected!

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thanks! :slight_smile:

thanks, yeah, smart you read . I didn’t. At least a nice return to the shop trip was done #biking

Any idea what the range does? Then i’ll add it to the readme and OP.

Going to test tonight, stand by.

Correct. I should have mentioned that i bought the Tile Pro 2020, my bad.

Still hoping that in the future this device will work with Homey.
But for now im using Smart Presence.

My advice would be; stop hoping that they will ever work. If I remember correctly (from reading it here or on github) the 2020 version broadcasts itself in a different way. The problem is the Tile, not the Beacon App. If you want to use Beacon I suggest buying compatible Tiles. In my case they work very well.

I used Smart Presence before I took the Beacon-Tiles route. I still use both Smart Presence (on iPhone) and Beacon (on keys). But now Beacon sets my home/away status while Smart Presence reminds me when I leave home without my keys. But since grabbing my keys/phone when leaving the home is mostly done by muscle memory, it never happened :wink:.

Because the BLE scanning is very memory intensive i’ve thinking of a new sollution.

Making the scanning of the BLE devices optional (default on)
Making a flowcard action: Update BLE devices status.
That way there is a posibility to manually search for devices. For example if the door is open start timer. After 30 seconde check presence of beacon.


Any insights?

Not yet, at beginnings was 5-7m, now on 3m distance is going on and off. Maybe is the Lapa battery, going to try with fresh one.

Hy koktail, I have 3 tile pro’s that I use for pressence detection and they work perfectly. However I have tested the range and found this to be very fluctuating. Sometimes I am still around my car at the parking place which is 20 meters and homey sees me! Really I have tested this, 20 meters thru 2 houses :thinking: and it works. Sometimes I am already just in my corridor in the house and homey sees me. The difference is enormous. Is there a setting to make this difference at bit smaller. I read overhere not to change the settings so that’s why I ask

Greetz Frans

What you describe is a wireless characteristic. How longer the distance the bigger fluctuating there is. Because we are polling the beacon the change that it gets detected within 20 meters is less then when you are close by.

To prevent that fluctuating i’ve build a system in the app that verifies the presence of the beacon multiple times. That way you can be sure it is detected properly (before the caching of the discovery was introduced).

First of all thank you for taking time to answer my question. However now I feel dumb as I really have no idea what you mean. Maybe I do not have to use difficult words in my questions next time. I Will do my question in jip en janneke English and I hope you can return in jip and janneke English so I can understand what you mean :joy::joy:. Why is the distance one time very far and another time very {to} short?

I am sorry I don’t understand your answer :smirk:

sounds good. Would make it possible to not scan during workdays maybe?
Is it that memory intensive?

The BLE core from Homey is in beta. Its very stable compare to pre 2.0. BLE core does consume a lot of mem of CPU OR make others apps unstable somehow.

How further the beacon is from Homey the more unstable the signal. That’s how it works. Every object between will blok the signal too. (like concrete of steel or wood)

hmm, shame, it is for me the only reliable presence detection… I can’t find another way. haha

I just hang my keys almost next to homey. Homey is placed right at my door so it works quite well like that.

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Still works perfect overhere. My experience is that beton blocks the signal much more than glass. When i reach the building from the side my windows are the tile pro sets me to home from more than 60 meters. When reach it from the other side it sets me to home when i am at the front door.

I have bought these NRF51822 tags, but I can’t get the Beacon app to recognize them. Anyone some advice?