[Tutorial] Presence detection with bluetooth beacon

With range of 10m without concrete walls is working fine.

I’m curious about your settings for the Tile Pro in the Homey app.
I added two Tile Pro 2018 models and every couple of seconds homey detects in reach and out again.
Keeps flipping in / out.

What frequency of refresh do you use and is this a problem when entering home to set my presence “home” and Heimdall alarm off.

My setting now:
Pauze setting 5 sec
Time-out 10sec
Verifiëren in reach : 1
Verifiëren out reach : 5


Lots of different settings are posted here, You can try every one of them

Good morning,
I’m changing from homee to homey.
I am currently using an external (RaspiZ) presence notification.
The message is sent to the homee as a webhook.
This works very well and reliably with the Gigaset Gtags.
Unfortunately, the homey probably doesn’t have the range of a RaspiZ (?).
Also, the homey doesn’t stand as well as the RaspiZ in the home.
The reports from Gtag come very late.
But it doesn’t have to be homey’s fault :wink:
A user from the German forum recommended a BLE5 beacon to me.
This beacon should have a long range.
I’m trying to order this somewhere - is the only way to go directly from China?
I am in contact with the manufacturer if I can get 3 samples.

Well, let’s see …

Can you give me a quick 1-2-3 guideline of how Ì add them as I have no idea how to add them to Homey. Tried with both the Life360 and the Beacon app but they seem to not get recognised by Homey for some reason… Would be awesome, thx!

@Anyone? "Can someone give me a quick 1-2-3 guideline of how Ì add them as I have no idea how to add them to Homey. Tried with both the Life360 and the Beacon app but they seem to not get recognised by Homey for some reason, tried with the Tile Slim and the new Pro (might not be supported I know) Which ones are supported by the way as the Pro 2018 is not been in store anywhere now…

Would be awesome and much appreciated, thx!"