Walli dimmer led spot not cool

Hello everybuddy,
I am having horrible time with fibaro walli dimmer 111 and a led spot dimmable.

I have a problem with light being always on. When i set to off, there is still some light shining.
How to solve that? Bypass? Other brand for led spot dimmable?

Really hope you can advise me…

As per the Walli Manual, supplied by Fibaro with the dimmer:

FIBARO Bypass 2 (FGB-002) is a device designed to work with FIBARO Dimmer 2 (FGD-212) and Walli Dimmer (FGWDEU-111). It should be used in case of connecting LED bulbs or energy saving compact fluo- rescent lamps. FIBARO Bypass 2 prevents flickering of the LED lights and glowing of the turned off compact fluorescent lamps.
In the case of 2-wire connection, FIBARO Bypass 2 allows to reduce minimum power of load required by the Dimmer for correct opera- tion. FGB-002 provides powering of the Dimmer in case of controlling the low loads of minimum power down to 5VA (for cosφ>0.5).
In the case of 2-wire connection do not connect load below minimal power without FGB-002.
Bypass 2 works only in trailing edge mode. Do not con-
nect the Bypass 2 to the Dimmer operating in leading edge mode.
Bypass 2 is sensitive to the frequent changes of the
state of Dimmer (alternate switching on and off). Sig- nificant changes in brightness should not be performed more than once per second.