[APP][Pro] Xiaomi mi flora sensor/ropot app

Looking at multiple devices? Yes.

Connect one by one, because of BLE limits. If it fails it is retried 3 times.

The 3th times it is throwing a timeout flow trigger card.

Were can I find the failed trigger?

It’s only a global card, so there is no card for a specific device.

Hi @Peter_Kawa how do you the nice flower picuters on the knop do you that with Virtueel app ? Than you have two buttons that is to mutch for a flowers sea :sweat_smile:

Hi Christiaan,
That is a relatively new function. No need for a virtual device (if you like the default Homey icon set that is :crazy_face: )
In the phone app, go to the devices tab,
then longpress a plant device tile,
then press the sprocket above on the right,
Then press ‘Select icon’
Scroll all the way down, et voilĂ .

Thanks I just had to scroll a little bit further. :grinning:

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why is that plant crying out for water ? I disabled flows after it run. But still logs three or four times in less than a second. Is it because it gets bluetooth every time?

Same here. I get a lot of notifications about it being out of water. The plant is a Aloe Vera and i adjusted the base settings as they are way to high. It requires a very low waterlevel of 5% and i give it water every other week which is the perfect amount. I do get messages all day long though, even when i just watered it. Could it be a faulty device ?

About that: My plants can only complain during a timeframe

If I water my plants, the moisture % goes up and my plants stop sending updates.
To check your sensor:
What happens if you dip the sensor in a bit of water? And what if you dry it?
Do the moisture levels change?

Good idea. I’ll try that . ongelukkig :joy:
I just put water on the dish below it, maybe thats what causes it.
The Aloe Vera is very happy, growing insanely fast with just a teaspoon aldi liquid plantfood and half a cup of water each 2 weeks.

good idea to put a time limit on it. But then several messages in milli seconds. And the strange thing is that that one plant fluctuates with values ​​between 15% and 40% while I don’t water. other sensors have no flow yet so maybe it’s just this one?

I will try a others sensor on the same flower maybe is it on the sensor ?

@Peter_Kawa how many times does homey repeat those messages in this time frame that you have in your flow ? I think a lot of messages.

A few times.
Now every 30 mins. And it stops when I give the poor things water :crazy_face::wink:

(…more>apps>xiaomi mi flora>Configure)

I experienced the same behavior. Humiditysensor fluctuates between 1 and 6%. Could be the airhumidity or plant is sweating. I just need a message that plant requires water in case I forget it and humidity drops below 5% or it dries out. I can’t see how to do it with the given options with this behavior of the sensor. I’m going to see if changing the range is helping.

@HuisCHovens @Da_JoJo
Hoe zien de Insights grafieken eruit?
Staan daar ook zoveel vochtwaarde veranderingen in dan?

Zo ziet het er bij mij uit
Afgelopen 6 uur, sensor ‘vocht’:

Die ene plant was net als de grafiek van @Da_JoJo

@Peter_Kawa ik heb de desbetreffende plant flink verwend met water en nu blijft die weer mooi constant. Dus was hopelijk een enkele keer dat hij zoveel verschillende in een paar minuten tijd. De andere planten doen het goed en verschillen niet zo veel.

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Heb eerder het idee dat het aan de verbinding ligt.
Ik kan mijn aloe vera helaas niet verwennen met water, dat stelt ze niet zo op prijs. Erg gevoelige plant.
Wilde haar eigenlijk aan de kattenwaterbak hangen, deze is via wifi verbonden en kan via een slangetje aan de pomp zo water geven. Dit werkt met de app. Maar als de uitlezing niet consistent is, zoals nu het geval is, dan is het resultaat meer een zwembadje dan een plantebak.

That graph does look weird.
I have not tested whether the value becomes 0 when the connection or the battery is broken, you could try that again.
And if 1 of 2 is broke, you should see the same “clatter” in the temp/lux/power sensor graphs!

On the other hand, maybe a moisture level of 4% and below is no longer accurate and those levels are reported as 0%…

Has the thread changed from English to Dutch? :thinking:

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