Z-wave status updates

Hi. I only use Fibaro devices so far but I agree there could be bugs in Homey’s status of associated devices.

I have just started with associations and multi-channel associations and I do not feel I fully master the subject. Other than on the forum I have not found a page with Homey instructions on this so maybe the below helps. Input and corrections are welcome.

Associations between my Fibaro devices (mainly “Dimmer 2” and “Double Switch 2”) are great and makes for less dependence on the controller (Homey). In Association Group 1 (the lifeline-report group), I always put 1 (default, Homey) . I also use 1 in Group 2 (S1) and Group 4 (S2) to ensure Homey gets a signal when a switch status changes, but I am not convinced this does anything.

Status of associated devices
Problem is that Homey does not know the status of the devices, eg: When device node 4 S1 button is pressed ON (association group 2 contains 1,14.1,19.2,20) the lights go on at node 4, 14.1, 19.2 and 20, but in Homey/Devices/ only device node 4 shows ON and the other devices are still shown as OFF, even though their lights are on.

This is only a problem if you want to do something with the devices in Homey: eg. if you have a flow to switch the lights off at some time. Then Homey has two problems:
a. The wrong status;
b. Changing status of a device in Homey will not affect associated devices, only devices that are in a call flow.

Create flows in Homey that mimic the behaviour in device Associations. It is extra work, error-prone and should not be needed, but works.

In the same example: if node 4 is on, then switch on node 14.1, 19.2 and 20. The result: when pressing S1 button on device node 4, Homey correctly lists the status of each device.
I though the workaround would conflict with device associations, but for some reason it works.

Other factors
I am hoping Homey can solve this but am aware that other factors could be:
a. Distance between devices;
b. Homey’s distance to each device;
c. Multi-association status inconsistencies (14.1 and 19.2 in my case).