[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Great. Yes, you can do homey app install . Just make sure you install the app version once it is released in the app store to receive future updates. Could you tell me which Shelly devices you are using so I know which drivers have been tested thus far.

I’m just using rgbw2.

Every now and then I got this error

This is not related to the SDK3 version. I just added some extra logging in the device card for users to see what is going on. A ECONNRESET means the device on the other end has ended the connection unexpectedly. This could be because of an unstable network connection between Homey and the Shelly or because the Shelly is overloaded and simply kills the connection as a result. You could increase the polling frequency to see if this reduces this error.

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I noticed i have one device (shelly1) that is registering the entries of another Shelly device (Shelly 2.5) Only the second relay entries.

The shelly 2.5 - relay 1 is connected to a bulb. (This one is not related with this mather)
The shelly 2.5 - relay 2 is connected to a air extractor.

The Shelly 1 is connected to my garage door on a 12v power, to open and close door.

What happens is that the shelly1 (garage door) is registering all the entries from the Shelly 2.5 relay 2 (air extractor) .

They are different devices with different IP can’t understand why this happens, is not a huge problem, is just that the shelly1 log is incorrect.
If possible i would like to fix it.

Last time i used the Shelly1 was 4 days ago, but it has logs from today, cause the air extractor is on and off based on schedule everyday.

Is it just the log out is it also responding to actions of another device?

Just the log, it does not take actions.

That is something out of my hands, seems like a bug in Homey core which you should report to Athom.

Hum, ok.
Thank you!

Hi @Phuturist,

i use the same reed switches as @Erik_Smit mentions here, but then connected to a Shelly 1.(powered via 12V) who can activate my garagedoor. In the Shelly app, the position of the switch shows up. I would like to use it also as a door status indicator in homey. Is that a possible addition to your app?
Anyway thanks for your work on the Shelly app, works great!

Thanks in advance!

What exactly do you want me to add?

It would be great being able tot see the input state on the SW input of the Shelly 1 in the Homey app. EG ‘switch position is open/closed’
I want to use that state in a logic variable in Homey. You can activate that functionality in the Shelly app as in the print screen below. Hope my explanation is a bit clear…

This information is not available in the REST API, I cant do anything with it.

A Pity, but thanks very much for checking!!

Is the actual App store version compatible with the shelly FW 1.8 and above? I have to know that before I update all my devices! :sweat_smile:


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Hi @Phuturist,

Somebody told me this information is reported in the json under shelly-IP/status. There should be an “input” identifier there. I’m not a programmer… Is this of any help? Thanks!

A question about webhooks (I’m just into them…)

When I try to setup a webhook it seems it should be something like:
And I got this working using an event “dimmer3” only, or with even “dimmer3” and tag “S2ShortPressed”

When I let Homey (Shelly App) set the webhooks on all actions for f.e. a Shelly dimmer - very convenient - I get this:

Looks very different. I’m not sure how to use this in a flow, any advice? What’s the event in this webhook? Do I need to add a tag?

When I enable of disable the checkbox I dont see any changes in the REST API. But perhaps this is only visible when you are actually using this. You can check for yourself if you see the desired information under http://yourshellyip/status. You can use an online JSON parser to structure the output from that URL and look at the data. There is an inputs object in there that might contain the information.

Read the instruction in the first topic in this thread, it’s all in there.

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