[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Dont think that’s possible yet. Could you submit a feature request on Github including a screenshot of the functionality within the Shelly smartphone app and the output of http://yourshellyrgbw2ipaddress/status and http://yourshellyrgbw2ipaddress/settings. I’ll look into it when I have time.

Hi @Phuturist and all,
i just reset to factory my Homey with Homey v5.0.0-rc.48. I need to uninstall and reinstall shelly app for re-boot in loop my homey. i’m using shelly app rel. 3.0.7.
Now as before, have add one shelly PM without problem, but if i try to add shelly 1 or shelly EM.
Device is not found during add process. I try to add it manually usng internal IP unfortunatly i have thi error: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘device’ of null.
Shelly works fine in original shelly app and cloud, and i can connect with a browser without any error using internal ip address.
This happen with shelly pm and shelly1 , what i can check or do to analize the problem?

What firmware are these devices on? And do they have extra sensors attached?

Hi Phuturist,
latest firmware from Shelly:

-for shelly1: 20201124-091217/v1.9.0

  • for shelly em: 20201124-092817/v1.9.0

shelly.app tell me no new firmware.

no extra sensor attached.


Not a clue then. Did you try restarting my app or even Homey?

Hi All, i’m new to homey and shelly and have been fighting with homey and the shelly app for the last couple of days. Somehow i could not get the shelly app to populate the callback url’s it would just stay empty within the shelly web interface.
To try to pinpoint the problem i set up a webhook, when i run this from my browser homey receives this without any problem. When i use this url in the shelly as ‘button switched on’ url nothing happens. My conclusion is that something is blocking the traffic between the shelly and homey.
I’m using a Unifi network, but haven’t found any settings wich would explain this. Is there anybody out there who experienced something similar and can help me out?

Allterco Robotics (the company behind Shelly) recently changed the way the callback URL’s are added to the device. This was introduced in Shelly firmware 1.9.x. It could very well be that this has broken the adding of the callback URL’s in the 1.x versions of my Shelly app. I wont be updating the 1.x version anymore though as I have already updated the app to be compatible with SDK3 but this requires Homey firmware 5.x to be installed. Unfortunately it’s taking Athom ages to stabilize the 5.x firmware.

So your choice is to wait until Athom releases Homey firmware 5.x so you can install the 3.x version of my app. Or update Homey to the experimental 5.x firmware right now (at your own risk) and install the test version of my app as described here: [APP] Shelly - #1097 by Phuturist


Thanks for the reply, updated homey to 5.0.0-rc.48 this morning and shelly app to 3.0.7.
Unfortunately no difference, still not receiving action events from the shelly. I gues it is a network problem after all… :frowning:

Hello, the add-on functionality of the shelly 1/1PM is already supported? (temp and contact)


@azid thank you for your donation, much appreciated … :pray:

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Hello @Phuturist, I’m testing the add-on. I can see the temperature of the thermometer without problems in the app, but if I connect a reed-switch it does not appear in the app. It is apparently not supported.

I leave you some pictures. This option is very useful to know for example if the gate is open or closed from the same shelly 1 that you use to control it. This is done by connecting the reed-switch between the black and yellow wire of the add-on.


This is the option in the shelly app:

Thanks for the support and dedication to this app.

Take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2021!

Which version of the app are you using? If it’s 3.x, are you not seeying the input alarm being changed when the reed switch is changed? If not, could you post me two examples of the output http://yourshellyip/status, one where the reed switch contact alarm is on and the other where it’s off. If you are still on 1.x, then yes it’s not supported yet.

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Hi @Phuturist
I’m using that same reed switch for the Input state identifier and it’s working on versions 3.x…
I believe what @Eduardo_Rodriguez wants to accomplish is something like what is possible now on the shelly app itself, with the use of the add-on connected to a reed switch the app can tell you if the gate is open or closed (in the case of the shelly being connected to a gate), like it’s shown on those pictures sent before by Eduardo , and if this could be also done with your shelly app something like when the gate is open have that little “:warning:” mark on the button, and when it’s closed that would go away , something just like a motion sensor…
I imagine this is what Eduardo wants, and it would be kind of cool if we could visualize on the button the state of the gate.
I know all things related with flows can be accomplished right now with the Input state identifier, it’s just more of a visual thing i imagine.

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Ok, thanks for clearifying. The answer is that it’s not possible to select what is show on a device card. What is shown there is based on the default device class and capabilities which in the case of a Shelly 1(PM/L) is a socket with no special capabilities. I have no control over this but is part of Homey core. @Eduardo_Rodriguez


Hi @Phuturist , I’m still at 1.25.6. I’m looking forward to update 5. Hope the homey team has it soon so I can use this feature.

What I need is that it warns like contact alarms, and that it can be used in flows to turn on lights and other things.

@Ricardo_Nunes Thanks for your explanation. Can you put how the contact appears in the app and what action cards does it have? Obrigado!

I leave a small video here, this will probably answer most of your questions. De nada :upside_down_face:

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Sim, isso era o que precisava de saber. É mesmo o que eu preciso. Obrigado.

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Is there a possibility to add support for long and short press triggers?

to my understanding they don’t have these actions with every product. First check the native Shelly app in order to see what is supported and then, make a request with their support department.

Hi. I have the old version of Shelly door/window sensor. However now when I want to connect it I can only find version 2 in the add? I can use that to add it but it doesn’t work. Can’t I use the version 1? I have the beta version of the your app.