[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

Ur always welcome Martin.
Eufy it seems they habe great produxts.

@martijnpoppen my doorbell keeps saying it is 17 degrees outside for a few weeks now.
Doorbell presses are being processed correctly. Motion not that well.

@Maurits Yes correct see: FAQ Q5. Nothing I can do about that unfortunately :frowning:
Also it’s battery temperature instead of the outside temperature

Whats the issue with motion?

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Hello, I’ve got a Floodlight Camera 2K too but Serial Number start with T8422N, I see it in the app settings but when I try to add selecting “Smart Floodlight with Camera” nothing shows up.

Hey @Yoann_Guillo !
I’ll double check the validation for that one! :slight_smile:

New app update (live: 2.13.4):


  • FIX: Floodlight camera add T8422 to pairing

@Yoann_Guillo added! :slight_smile:
When you click the link above you can re-install the app and try it out

Thanks a lot for your quick response ! That work fine !

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Ok, so now I think I actually have a bug here.

I first installed one camera (1080p/2k indoor) and things worked fine in flows. I then installed the second camera of the same type, and it times out. No commands will go through, and I get an error about it timing out after 3000s.

Is this a known problem, or would you like to see my logs?

Hey @Tiwas ,
Can you check in the app settings if the new camera has internal IP?
Eufy made a change to that so Homey tries to figure out the IP itself but it might be that is doesn’t always work :wink:

Ok, thanks. The second camera had an external IP. Switching to the local IP seems to have fixed the problem. Maybe alert on IPs in the wrong subnet? Would that be possible?

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Yeah Will check that!

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Hi! Trying to get my head around what camera i should get. I want it to react on humans, not all motions. I know that the Eufy have people and face recognition, but can i benefit from this using the Homey app? Use case: i want it to turn on lights if a human is detected, not if a pet (or other) is detected.

Becareful as current issue is not been resolved for a week faulty firmware.

Hey @gubbfett
Any camera of Eufy you can connect to Homey.
All cameras have motion and person detection

The Homey app has specific flowcards for Person or Motion detecction

@PitMack what issue do you mean?

Sorry I thought this was a Eufy forum, there’s a bug in motion detection been since last week. No cameras recording at all since firmware upgrade. Cameras only work as sentry to look and see.

Someone’s totally stuffed there firmware upgrade.

Ah check. At least thanks for sharing as the Homey Eufy app completely relies on the Eufy firmware. :slight_smile:

In the last year there were more vreaking updates from Eufy :frowning:

That’s awesome! EuFy it is!

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Question: Does this app also work with the Eufy without a hub?

I ask this because when configuring the App it needs an IP adress fo the HUB. It automatically fill it with my Internet IP adres (so not my LAN IP). Then when I replace that with the IP adress of the Eufy cam then it continues without problems. BUT… I cannot add any devices…

Hey @Frank_van_de_Schuur ,
Yes it works for the wired video doorbell.
Can you share a diagnostic report with me?
I’ll check if everything is set-up correctly.

You can do that via:

More → apps → Eufy Security → settings wheel right top → send diagnostic report