[APP][Pro] < group > (3.2.4 - Stable)

I am still running an older version of the Group App, as I have not migrated to f/w v2.0

Today I added two Xiaomi motion sensors:

They do not show up in the Grouped devices. They are not listed / selectable:

The Xiaomi Human Body sensor, does show up:

How can I get the motion sensors to work in the Group App?

Version 1 of the grouped device does not support adding sensors - only devices with direct input - and there is no feedback :wink:

All these features are entirely new int he last couple of months

Thanks for the fast reply @Jamie

I have made grouped devices, and have added sensors, so I am not sure what you are saying… I just now added a device to an existing group. It is just that these newly added motion sensors do not show up in this App. However, they do show up in Heimdall…

What does this mean?

@Jamie does the settings screen now work out of the box with the Alpha version or is a tweak wtill needed?

@Davy & @DirkdeDraak I’m hoping that no news is good news and that the latest release fixed your issue?

@Eternity - Ahh sorry I missed that you installed it via the developer tools, that version was never released to the public. Have you tried restarting the deviceGroup app then going to settings to add it?

@Tom_Starren Settings should now all be working, in fact if you check you might see that I finally released the beta of version 2.1, which also will have working settings. The alpha currently has started to get its Netherlands translations.

Please let me know immediately if you have any issues, I would like to have this completed and released to stable in the next 3 days.


@Jamie it works now thank you! Do you need help with the transltion?

A restart solved it!


Yes, very good! Seems stable after the latest update. I’m looking forward to the additional features.:sunglasses:

@Jamie, Just performed the 2.0.0 update. I removed all old groups and created a new one. It works immediately. Though after a restart it fails with the “Cannot read property ‘value’ of undefined” error.
A restart of the app after that resolves the issue.

I had filed that error for rc12 & rc13. Athom responded that it was likely not the firmware and that I needed to contact the app developer…

@DirkdeDraak can you please let me know what version of the group app you are using?

I thought that issue was fixed, so first just make sure you are on 2.1.701+

Would it also be possible for you to restart homey - turn on a group - get the error and then send me a error report.

@Jamie with the latest update I cannot open the settings anymore.

Opening this doesn’t work. I already restartes my Homey.

Seems the combination of firmware 2.0.0 and Group version 2.1.701 works fine.

Hey @Tom_Starren, What do you mean it ‘can not open’? Does clicking on it do nothing, do you get an error, or a white page? Which version of the app are you currently using?


Hi @Jamie, clikcing on it does nothing, no error what so ever. I’m running 2.1.704 (before this update it was working fine).


Are you using the iOS app or the andriod one? And what happens when you change the settings from your web browser?

I use the iOS app. It also doesn’t work with the web browser (tried all devices in there).

Im stumped, perhaps try adding a new type of device group, motion sensor, contact sensors, temperatures - and see if you can click on a type other then ‘light’.

Unfortunately it just worked out that the settings bug was not fixed until the last rc by athom, so there just hasn’t been enough time to full test the beta - nor do i feel like I have gotten enough feedback.

But the fact is we have only been given this ‘vague’ promise of ‘2.0 things to be announced’ and only with 4 days, I just cant leave deploying the stable version any longer.

v2.1.7(06) is waiting for athom to approve to beta - and from there direct to stable. If you have any issues please create an issue here.

Please give as much information as possible, from what version of the app, what device you were trying to group, iphone or andriod, how long the issue has been occuring etc etc. Its much better to provide to much information rather than not enough - If you want your issue to be fixed quickly -

Tried it and when I add another group of a different type it works. Will check it later today and then create an issue.

I have the same problem. Light groups can not be opened. Have a sensor groups as well and that working fine in settings. When clicking lights settings it does not happen anything.

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I’ve fixed it by removing a group which included multiple groups.