[App][Pro] Playstation

Getting there! Time out happens but you should get it working eventually. Can you send a diagnostics report right after the error happens?

What’s your PSN username? I can test the card with your name :smiley:

  1. Check - send diagnostic report
  2. My nickname - kestmas

Ciao Emiliano,

Thank you for your amazing work!

I noticed that there’s a bit of delay between ON/OFF command.
Is it something that could be improved in future updates?

Really thanks!

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I don’t know, I can try in the future. I’m using a ripped third party library to do the heavy network lifting. I’ve noted it.

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New version 1.4.3

:heart: Happy with my work? Your support to continue developing this and new apps is always appreciated.

Fixed friend activity card on 1.4.3

:alarm_clock: Coming soon:
Follow the progress of new features:

:bulb: Do you have any ideas or suggestions ? Don’t hesitate to leave a message!

Fixed (username) online/offline

@Emiliano_Quetimporta thanks 4 the app!

I want to setup my ps5. After logging in and clicking on the other link I’m getting this error:

Do you know what I’m doing wrong? I click in the same browser in the link, after logging in.

Maybe trying another browser? Never saw that error before. I had another error that was temporary, something like too many requests

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Chrome did the trick :slight_smile:

Waitting update. Not yet :slight_smile:
I didn’t see you in friends either

released 1.4.4 I saw activity cards working, if it keeps working after an hour it’s definitely fixed

Followed the guide and installed both devices. Well done!

Is there a reason the polling interval is min 1 minute? Not really a big issue, but my brain flickers when the automation starts up to 1 minute after turning on the PS5.

Also the ps5 is not turning on/off via the button in Homey.

No reason, just a random default value. You can choose what you want accepting a maximum delay of poll minutes. Average delay in automations is half the polling interval.

On and off from homey seem to fail sometimes but I cannot reproduce it locally. It works with my system. You can maybe provide a diagnostics report after trying on/off from homey. I know it can take more than the timeout of 10 seconds, but it still works after the error pop up

Got it.

I’ll try some more with the on/off and see if there are any conditions where it works or not works

edit: When i turn it off, it turns off on the card in homey, without turning off the console itself. On the next polling it sees the ps5 is on, and indicator goes back to on in the homey card.

Not able to use on/off on the button or via a flow


I have tried, several times, to install the app.

It always stops with “Account ID and Pin should be configured first”.

I have triple-checked the information and still the same.

Anyone have a good idea about this?

No problem with the PSN-app

Can you send a diagnostics report right after you get the error? Sometimes can other errors be masked by this

Fixed with new update??

No functional updates this time.


Like this?

Yes! Thanks! Interesting… You are using a PS4,I don’t have one so never tested this flow. I will investigate

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