[APP][Pro] Roborock Vacuum Cleaners

I restart the Homey Roborock app every morning 05.00 and it seems to be a workaround.

Which Roborock do you have, i have 2 Roborock S7’s and they work without any issue.
Do you restart Homey or just the Roborock app?

My Roborock S5 max also works without any problem on my Homey Pro (and also on my Homey early 2019)

I have S6 MaxV and I only restart Roborock app at 05.00 every morning.
I tried to remove the vaccum device and reinstall but the problem with unavailable device remains.

Very strange it happens so often, I have something similar, every couple of months, BUT with all my xiaomi, roborock and yeelight devices. a random selection of them doesn’t work in homey anymore, but i can start them using the normal apps. That issue is also not in the Homey apps, since I use multiple homey apps to control everything, restarting homey or wait for a day works to resolve that.

I think that’s a different issue than what you are having,

I didnt had the issue in met first two months of the s7 but this week i had to restart the app almost daily.

No changes on my end. I’ll configure a flow

Btw could there be a trigger that when water is empty?

I could trigger the s7 to go to the kitchen when it’s empty.

Hi, I just got a Roborck s5max. I added it to the roborock app, but after the first run, I wanted to add it to homey. I saw that only xiaomi cloud works? not roborock? Is this true?

Yes, it only works with Xiaomi Home mobile app.

Thanks for the quick reply!
Is there an easy way to switch to the Xiaomi app without loosing the carefully crafted map?

No, you must recreate the map. But I think it is worth it.

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Mine just migrated automatically, just as the settings, just installed the xiaomi next to the roborock app, then changed the connection on the S7, and all worked fine (no guarantee it will work that way for everyone of course)


Would anyone have some tip how to track bin - full/empty on S6 ?
I always forget and Mi Home is not notifying me :wink:

Same here, I’m sssooo happy that it just got the map! Thanks guys! ^^ (on the s5max)

hmm, the room polling seems not work for me. I made a flow as described in the tutorial, printing it to simple logs as well as notification, but nothing comes in. I changed a few names in my in the app, but nope.

@Sharkys I use the roborock integration in node-red as a side for the Homey integration. This way I can get the area that vacuum has cleaned. I have made a flow that when 150m2 area is cleaned the vacuum will go next to the trash bin and notify me to empty it.

You need the cleaned area information to make this. I think that info is in the Justins todo list, so it might be available at some point.


I skipped room polling and tried room numbers instead which I think was easier.
Start room cleaning with room 16. You can either see where the vaccum start cleaning or you can switch to mobile app and see which room is not greyed out.
Then continue with room 17, 18, 19…
In my map room 16 is rightmost and the highest room number leftmost.

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aah, it starts at 16, good to know. I started at 1, hahah

That sounds interesting, I didn’t know there is adapter :wink: I’m using IoBroker with MQTT integration on Homey for WeConnect and HaasSohn already… so you are summarizing value of “Cleaned area” ? I assume there is not some value which is raising until bin is emptied, right.

Yeah actually it’s adapter in the node-red to MQTT and from MQTT to Homey. So not straight adapter to Homey from node-red. :wink:

I sum the cleaned area every time the vacuum changes it’s state to charging. Then I check if the sum is higher than 150m2 when the vacuum was last emptied, if so the vacuum goes to bin and notification is sent. When the vacuum is sent to bin, the areasum when bin is emptied is reset. So in short there is no raising value by default which gives the info.