[APP][Pro] Roborock Vacuum Cleaners

I’m going to hit te problems 1 by 1 …

Could you please retest the zone cleanup @Morgan? I’ve just added my S7 using the S6 MaxV device (this works properly, I am just missing the scrub intensity card there) and I am able to do a full zone cleanup. Just cleaned one square meter using 28500,25500 by 29500,26500.

Please keep in mind that sometimes the robot is pissed about a few centimeters outside the map, and the other time it runs properly. If you’re close to walls, try a single square meter in the middle of your room first.

P.S. Also tested this with the S5 Max and here it also cleans this one square meter.

Same goes here for the set vacuum power?? :thinking: Also working just fine on the S6 Max device and the S5 Max!

Could it be that the device is messed up because you need to re-add it? Something to do with the on/off trigger? Try a re-add and let me know.

Last but not least… Also got the status update from the S6 MaxV.

I will try to create a new S6 MaxV-device and start testing with it.

Thank you Morgan!

And by the way, new summary must be triggered after each task finish.

Test of 1.5.0 after I created a new S6 MaxV-model. I also made created new flows because sometimes Homey mess up changes and you have to start over:

  • Zone cleaning = OK
  • Set water intensity = OK
  • Set vaccum power do not work. The vaccum “dings” but the vaccum power do not change.
  • Map change do not trigger.
  • New stats do not trigger after finished cleaning.
  • Press tile to start and stop = OK

When I created the new S6 MaxV-device I could not set polling time to 60 s. It forced me to leave polling time to 30 s. Does 30 s work?

Yes 30s does work but it’s requesting a lot of load requesting the status everytime. I’ll dig into that polling validation as well.

Thanks for testing. Not sure I can fix this stuff this evening but i’ll try my best.

For all the other, conclusion: re-add your device!

I have similar conclusions for S6 as @Morgan.

  • when Map changes, Room changes is triggered in stead. I get the room numbers returned.

  • no trigger for statistics after cleaning.

  • when re-adding device polling frequency is forced to 30 sec. Afterwards in the device advanced setting this can be changed to 60 sec, but my log indicates that the polling frequency in practice is fixed at 30 sec.


Take your time @Justin. I have difficulties to keep up with your pace.

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Hi Justin,

Thanks for your quick reply and good answer. Really love your app already. Allot of great features to make the roborock really smart. Things like map change is something I only could dream about. Now I’ve to change +/- 100 flows for your great app. :grinning:

I’m using the off function for (when my vacuum is not on the dock and is turn off for a while) sending me a push notification that the vacuum is stuck or on the other floor waiting to get down.
I don’t like the roborock notifications, because I don’t want them when I’m away and my vacuum is mostly busy when I’m away from home.

I prefer to use something like stopped for that, but most of the app’s that I’ve used are “stopped” for room cleaning.

Thanks for the compliments. I enjoy building :slight_smile:.

You should be able to use the status “error” for that. It’s always the question if the Roborock gives back a solid error status, but let’s assume it does.

IF status has changed
AND status is error
THEN send push message “I’m not as smart as I look”

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I have a similar flow.

IF status has changed
AND status contains error
THEN send push message “Vaccum reports status"

It will also pick charging error.

The most important part is to do it with fun!

That’s something I’m gonna try.
First changing all the flows and make everything work!

Let you know if I run into some problems.


Yes please, do that. Remember that the latest test version is not stable. Don’t get mad at me when you need to re-add a device once more in the future because of fixed bugs… lol

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I’m not sure why @Morgan and @Paul_Scholte are getting these test results. The vacuum power works just fine using the S6 MaxV model and also getting the map information and summary just fine using this model.

I am going to publish a test version under 1.5.1 that will always give back the trigger flow “Map
change” and “Summary”, regarding if this changed or not. This means that it will constantly give messages, soo be prepared for this.

I am afraid that this has something to do with the type of device. Using my S7 everything works fine, using a S7 device or any other. If it’s failing at your side(s) than I guess it has to do something with the models you guys are using. Please post your findings.

Here is part of my logfile

2021-07-26 22:40.57 Roborock nieuwe kaart Benedenverdieping met nummer 0
2021-07-26 22:41.02 Roborock kamers 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23
2021-07-26 22:41.57 Roborock nieuwe kaart Benedenverdieping met nummer 0
2021-07-26 22:42.57 Roborock nieuwe kaart Benedenverdieping met nummer 0
2021-07-26 22:43.57 Roborock nieuwe kaart Benedenverdieping met nummer 0

So, from 22:40 hr I do get a “new map message. This message is repeated every minute (polling interval 60 dec) until now.

I have got only one (1) “rooms changed” message. I suppose that should have been the summary?

Hope this helps somewhat.


Since the rooms trigger was working properly, I did not remove the ‘new variable check’ on that trigger… Only summary and map changes are triggered.

First; could you add the map name to the map trigger and see if it gives back 0 [room name]? If yes, do you have multiple floors installed? And if also yes, could you move the robot to the different floor plan and see if it returns 1 [second room name]?? If yes, then the map change works.

I guess the room trigger is working fine, soo we have to find out why the summary is not showing. It should give you a complete summary every 60 seconds.

I am not sure that I understand you correctly: I already included the map name and the map number in the flow:

So, indeed it returns the map name “Benedenverdieping” and the number “0”.

I have activated multilevel maps. I repeated the test with the same flow. And moved the cleaner at 02:00 hr to the first floor. I checked in the Xiaomi app that the map did change. The resulting log is:

|2021-07-27 02:02.21||Roborock nieuwe kaart Benedenverdieping met nummer 0 |
|2021-07-27 02:03.21||Roborock nieuwe kaart Benedenverdieping met nummer 0 |
|2021-07-27 02:04.21||Roborock nieuwe kaart Benedenverdieping met nummer 0 |

The correct logging would have been: “Bovenverdieping met nummer 1”.

So, although the map did change, this is not reflected in the logging as if it was not noticed that the map changed. This could explain why the trigger map change is not activated.


I’m sorry Paul, indeed you had the map name setup as well :neutral_face: I think I need to stop responding half a sleep, lol.

I guess indeed that this is why it’s not triggering. I wasn’t sble to test this part since I only have one map, but assumed it would work because it gives back the first one. I’ll let my S7 create a msp of my first floor and start testing receiving the second floor plan. Thank you for all your troubles and time.

Now what’s left is the summary… On my app it’s giving all variables every 60 seconds, soo it should be device related since it isn’t triggering at all for you guys. I’m curious if this problem also occurs with other devices then your S6… Anybody?