[APP][Pro] Samsung SmartTV

+1 to this! Would also love this functionality!

My current work around is through the Philips Hue Sync Box which, when it goes into an ‘off’ state activates Art Mode. This can then trigger certain lights to come on (or Sonos in my kitchen). But it would be super useful to have direct control over Art Mode via this app if possible!

Art mode is not an app…

Off course, I would like the functionality, but art mode doesnt have an app id or so.

Ahh, ok. I can see why that might be tricky then. Fair do’s.

I noticed that the Homebridge plugin for Samsung Tizen now has The Frame support.


I didn’t yet went thru the code to see how they did it

I second this issue! I am not able to turn it off.

Now it works, after updating Homey to the latest official version (I was on experimental before) it started working, not sure if it matters.

Tried two Samsung TV’s but the newest TV keep giving the message that IP adres needs to be added.

The response of this tv is

and this are the settings in the Homey App:

And this is the error message:

And for the other TV the power on is not working? Any idea how to set this? Or get this working?


Same here for another TV. Power on/off or any other button is not working.

It does connect with the encrypted version, after I manually enter the ip-address. It asks for a pin, it responds well and seems to work, but it doesn’t work in the end.

The non-encrypted version doesn’t work either. Also I’ve to manually add the ip-address in this case. Tried to enable the encrypted switch in the advanced settings, but it doesn’t matter.

Also tried to increase the delays for sending commands and tried WiFi over wired, but non seems to be the magic trick.

  "id": "07270e01-0078-1000-8cd0-90f1aa14f5d0",
  "name": "[TV]tv slaapkamer",
  "version": "2.0.24",
  "device": {
    "type": "Samsung SmartTV",
    "duid": "07270e01-0078-1000-8cd0-90f1aa14f5d0",
    "model": "14_X14_BT_WHITE",
    "modelName": "UE40H6410",
    "description": "Samsung TV RCR",
    "networkType": "wired",
    "ssid": "",
    "ip": "",
    "firmwareVersion": "Unknown",
    "name": "[TV]tv slaapkamer",
    "id": "07270e01-0078-1000-8cd0-90f1aa14f5d0",
    "udn": "07270e01-0078-1000-8cd0-90f1aa14f5d0",
    "resolution": "1920x1080",
    "countryCode": "NL",
    "msfVersion": "2.0.24",
    "smartHubAgreement": "true",
    "developerMode": "0",
    "developerIP": ""
  "type": "Samsung SmartTV",
  "uri": ""

  "DUID": "07270e01-0078-1000-8cd0-90f1aa14f5d0",
  "Model": "14_X14_BT_WHITE",
  "ModelName": "UE40H6410",
  "ModelDescription": "Samsung TV RCR",
  "NetworkType": "wired",
  "SSID": "",
  "IP": "",
  "FirmwareVersion": "Unknown",
  "DeviceName": "[TV]tv slaapkamer",
  "DeviceID": "07270e01-0078-1000-8cd0-90f1aa14f5d0",
  "UDN": "07270e01-0078-1000-8cd0-90f1aa14f5d0",
  "Resolution": "1920x1080",
  "CountryCode": "NL",
  "SmartHubAgreement": "true",
  "ServiceURI": "",
  "DialURI": "",
  "Capabilities": [
      "name": "samsung:multiscreen:1",
      "port": "8001",
      "location": "/ms/1.0/"

Hello Bjørnar,

I too bought a new tv.
Maybe you could add mine .

{"device":{"FrameTVSupport":"false","GamePadSupport":"true","ImeSyncedSupport":"true","Language":"nl_NL","OS":"Tizen","PowerState":"on","TokenAuthSupport":"true","VoiceSupport":"true","WallScreenRatio":"-1","WallService":"false","countryCode":"NL","description":"Samsung DTV RCR","developerIP":"","developerMode":"0","duid":"uuid:6cc00198-7a14-47fb-8ea4-64dbe02ffc1c","firmwareVersion":"Unknown","id":"uuid:6cc00198-7a14-47fb-8ea4-64dbe02ffc1c","ip":"","model":"21_NIKEL_UHD","modelName":"QE43Q64AAUXXN","name":"Samsung Q64AA 43 TV","networkType":"wireless","resolution":"3840x2160","smartHubAgreement":"true","ssid":"6e:ff:7b:95:2a:77","type":"Samsung SmartTV","udn":"uuid:6cc00198-7a14-47fb-8ea4-64dbe02ffc1c","wifiMac":"54:3A:D6:7F:F6:FA"},"id":"uuid:6cc00198-7a14-47fb-8ea4-64dbe02ffc1c","isSupport":"{\"DMP_DRM_PLAYREADY\":\"false\",\"DMP_DRM_WIDEVINE\":\"false\",\"DMP_available\":\"true\",\"EDEN_available\":\"true\",\"FrameTVSupport\":\"false\",\"ImeSyncedSupport\":\"true\",\"TokenAuthSupport\":\"true\",\"remote_available\":\"true\",\"remote_fourDirections\":\"true\",\"remote_touchPad\":\"true\",\"remote_voiceControl\":\"true\"}\n","name":"Samsung Q64AA 43 TV","remote":"1.0","type":"Samsung SmartTV","uri":"","version":"2.0.25"}

Edit: I see now that if I change my tv to wired network Homey can find my tv.
Only wifi doesn’t seem to work.

Edit 2: it seems that Homey can’t realy determine if my tv is on or off.
The flows for tv is on or tv off get constantly triggered if the tv is off.

Same problem,
Buttons in homey dont work, received error timeout after 30000ms. SmartThings works, SmartThings api enabled

@Hugo , @Dracoignis

Please test v. 1.8.4.

This version has improved support for “power state”, and will better see if the TV is on / off. This only works for newer TVs.


  • reserve an IP address for you TV in your Wi-Fi router (or assign a static IP address in the TV settings)
  • you can manually edit the IP - address in the device settings in the Homey Samsung SmartTV app


Just installed. Fixed ip was first thing i die when i installed the tv and connected to homey

Thanks, installed it too.
I will let you know.

First findings:
When the tv is on the state of the tv seems to be stable, or Homey does not know if tv is on or off.
When the tv is off by remote Homey doesn’t seem to see the tv is off.
When the tv is on by remote Homey also doesn’t know it is on?

When the tv is on and set to off by remote and i wait a couple of seconds and push the tv ‘button’ (Homey thinks the tv is on!) Then the button says tv is off, but the tv goes on.
The other way around also.

So it seems Homey does not know the state of my tv and setting tv from on to off or from off to on is just a change of state?

I hope you understand what I mean.
Thanks for the effort.

From the time I installed this version Homey does not see my tv anymore going on or off.
Setting tv on or off still works but Homey does not know if my tv really is on or off.

Would be great to get your apps on homey cloud!

Homey Cloud does not support Wi-Fi connections, so this app won’t be supported.

The “Samsung TV” app from Athom uses IR, and is already supported, and might work for you.

Also, to be able to publish apps to Homey Cloud you must be a verified developer.

1 Like

I have a question, is it possible to detect if the TV is paused?

My girlfriend paused the tv most of the time when she won’t look to it enymore, so i want to detect if the tv is paused and use a timer, when the tv is 15 minutes on pause i whill turn off the tv…

I use a Q7 series TV

Depends on which app I guess.

Mmm oké, thanks for your replie

So there is no universal command from the TV to homey that tells that the TV is pauses…

But when (for example) Netflix is paused, or Disney + or Amazon prime… Is there a way to let homey now that one of this apps is paused?