[APP][Pro] Sure Petcare App - (Sureflap Pet Door/Sureflap Cat Flap)

That’s an known issue of v1.0.11. I’ve just released v1.0.12 to stable. Can you please try that build?

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It works now. :grinning:

Wow. Now that’s a great developer. Fast and reliable solution. Works for me now :+1:t2::smile:

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Thanks! :blush:

Seem to be having issue with the flow cards, randomly when a pet leaves the system will constant trigger until either I stop it or disable the app. For example I have the flow when Cat leaves, announce on Amazon Echo, Cat Name has left. This works well but occasionally when the cat leaves it will repeat this flow constantly every 2-3 seconds until I disable the app. Any ideas?

I’ve seen the behaviour alsof. It occur when the flap isn’t closed properly. Or the app gets the chance back from the API.

You can fix it by keep track of the cats position. And only by changing that variable trigger your flow.

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All I can say is that I had the exact problem, did not solve it in a logical way, but the problem “disappeared” running latest version. Maybe also look at your flow setup, have som space (seconds) between other included flows. What I do is that I disable the “cat left” flow when my cat left the flap, and enabeling the “cat came home” flow, and the other way around, that way in/out dosen`t make an problem.

I also had the problem that the bolts did not lock, so the flap practically was open, no lock mechanism, one way or another, with the latest upgrade that problem went away.

I also got this issue and running the latest version but didn’t “disappeared”.
I am not sure if I really got your workaround understand.
Does it mean to use varibale, for example CatXIn = true. So if there is an entering event to ignore this becaus variable is set true? If so, this would not really work for me.

Because our cats are leaving often without passing the pet door (for example if balcony door is open) and we do not set every time manually location. Sometimes you don’t even recognize. So its in our setup likely to be on a false variable state.

So than it is more important to be synchronized again with correct state and not to ignore the event because system is thinking that cat is already in what in fact is not the case. The workaround would prevent this. Or am I wrong?

But to start a countdown for example 1min. after entering/leaving event and to check if countdown is still running than ignore, could be a solution.

Thanks, M

There we go, problem is back. The cat in and out flow spins, I`m using the “specific cat left/enters” card, seconds after coming in, it reports cat out, and the other way. It also locks flap both ways, trying to manually open it goes back to locked both ways.

Tried to delete flows, restartet everything, problem appears again after Homey restart.

Deleted app and reinstalled, works normally.

Any chance to get in the battery status?

I can only get the current voltage of the device. Like 5.2v. when the battery itself is 6v in total. I cannot find any reliable calculation to determen the percentage.

There are 4 AA batteries where each battery has approximatly an range of 1.35 to 1.5 volts. Every battery is different and the discharge is not exactly linear but I think you would have quiet a good result considering 6v = 100% and 5.4v = 0%. The official app won’t do anything different

I’ll see if i can implement that feature. Thanks for your suggestion!

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I’ve add your feature into the latest test build (v1.0.14) :grinning:


Works great, thx!

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Does anybody use this device?

yes, Im using the surefeed, would be nice to add this one to Homey. How can I help except donations?

Just wanted to share my experience with this CatFlap.
I had issues with it not registering when a pet entered or left. With the help of their support I loosened the two screws on the inside at the bottom half a turn. Apparently, the locking mechanism got stuck once in a while.
Since our catflap ran out of batteries within a month I also modified it to accept a larger Lead based 6 Volt accu. A netadapter was not advised because it might be too noisy, this works fine
image image


Depends what a member of bomb squad would say, if they see it I mean…


:grin: fair enough. I still need to make a nice enclosure