[APP][Pro] Verisure

I have this exact problem!
Tried installing and reinstalling the app without any luck.

I have the same setup. Yale Doorman with Verisure hub. No alarm.
I have include it to Homey. But from there I can’t lock/unlock it. And the status for doorman isn’t update if I do something from Verisure app or manual.

Hi Adam!

Have you been looking into adding support for the Panasonic Heatpump module?
Really miss the opportunity to controll this through Homey



In the Verisure app!?

Yes, Verisure module for Panasonic Heatoumps :slight_smile:

Great app, but for some reason the app wouldnt fint any of my smokedetectors, all other units works fine. What can the problem be?

Regards, Jonas

How old are your smoke detectors? Had the same problem but after I got the new type (no antenna) the app found them.

I have the ones with antennas

They didn’t work for me. I got the new ones and they work perfectly.

I have an verisure system (5+ years) disabled 2fa reinstalled but still just “object object” when trying to add device. Anyone solved this?


I’ve used the app for about 1 month, and I’ve experienced twice that I need to restart Homey to keep receiving updates from my Verisure contact sensors, thermometers (smoke detectors) and the alarm status. Restarting just the app has no effect!

Does this happen to anyone else?
Is there anything I can (try to) do?


Restart and made sure 2fa was off and proper code and login info. Workes great now.

Props to dev!


Thanks for a great app.

I have two whishes for future functions.

-In flow I would like “When” to be triggered by change of lock status in Yale Doorman L3.

-In flow I would like “When” to be triggered by pressing doorbell.

Keep up the good work.


There will be a new version of this app soon. The app has been completely rewritten for SDK 3 and will also include battery level (for compatible devices), locking/unlocking locks, smoke and water alarm triggers.

To be able to complete this release, I’m still in need of a Yale lock, so if there is someone out there that desperately need all the features for smart locks, please donate, or even better donate me a Yale lock :slight_smile:


There is a new version on test now: Verisure | Homey

Please note that this probably need you to re-add your devices.

Verisure v.3.2.3


  • Migrated to SDK 3
  • Complete rewrite of app logic
  • Changed to Verisure GraphQL API for extended data
  • Added battery level to supported devices
  • Added battery type and count information to Energy
  • Added water alarm to water detector
  • Added support for locking/unlocking door locks from Homey
  • App will now verify credentials at login
  • Added possibility to pick which system to use at settings page (for those with multiple systems in the same account)

Please report any bugs found including sending a diagnostic report. Thank you!

EDIT: You need to reinstall all devices again. This is due to the change of Verisure API used.


Works always OK, but after update my alarm is not recognized anymore

If I wan’t to login in the APP he gives a error; Encountered an unexpected error value: “undefined”.
Can I please have install file of previous version?

After upgrading to v3.2.3 all devices except smoke detectors stopped working.

‘Error: Encountered an unexpected error value: “undefined”’ when trying to login in app settings.

Tried restarting the app, restarting Homey and reinstalling the app.

Diagnostic report: 874dfa38-73bb-4268-9c04-5a5eb2387c83

Please try uninstall the app and then install it again.

Only smoke sensors works as normal after app update. Needed (as advised in your previous post) to re-add all other components. All works fine, even Yale-Doorman locks and unlocks now :slightly_smiling_face:
Great update, thanks!