[APP][Pro] Xiaomi mi flora sensor/ropot app

Hi Frans,
Where did you find the specs for the sensor? Do you also have the specs for the Mi Flora ropot?

The settings in the app you mean? I just made them up myself by trial and error so to say

last update broke my sensors, ptp and restart app does not help??

No issues here. What was the previous buildnumber? Can you send a log?

Mine still works great

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@anon2681894 check batteries and at least reseat them, if not working replace batteries, worked over here :+1::grin:

Forgot to mention, homey went red-heat zigbee/ble chip did not respondā€¦ a long ptp fixed it ā€¦

My sensor has every other day issue it doesnā€™t update at allā€¦ before last release I had needed to turn off the app for several hours and turn on again an it worked ok for a day or two but now its worst. Last updated 3 days ago I pulled out the battery and it worked for a single update after that 3 days nothing.

Somebody else experiencing same issues?

Iā€™ve seen issues like that:

The problem is that there is no strange behaviour. The BLE simply stops without any error.

I assume Homey and the sensors are at the newest firmware?
It can be a memory issue, you have the ā€˜normalā€™ Homey?

Iā€™m not having any problems like that, but iā€™m rebooting my homey every night. So maybe itā€™s just a BLE problem in homey itself.

Yes the newest firmware and normal homey early 2018

Reboot doesnā€™t help with this issue still not working after reboot. Itā€™s very random

Hi Koktail,

Ik kwam de volgende sensor van Mi tegen op Aliexpress. Deze is veel goedkoper en heeft een rgb water sensor lampje. Is deze ook compatible?

gr Robin

deze heeft geen bluetooth denk ik

deze wel volgens het filmpje, is deze ook compatible:

Please translate this posts to English as we are in the English parts of the forums. Not translated posts will be deleted for everyone to keep on reading.

I donā€™t know if there are compatibel. If it is the same chip it could be. If you order one and test it please let me know.


I got One Time reading after I added one device and restarted the app. I added one more and restarted and it stops reading.


Can you please at the energy option to the app?
At the moment only unknown battery is shown under battery in the energy tap of the Homey app.
Tahnks in advance.

Iā€™ve added the issue on github: https://github.com/koktaildotcom/homey-mi-flora/issues/85.