[APP] Swedish Weather Forecast

A new test version is now out, sadly all pollen functionality had to be removed since the API’s has been blocked for use in Homey.

Missing Norwegian language should now be in place.

Hi there @Tim2, sorry for the late answer.
You can create a new device for the same location and set a separate time for prognose, using a future time with that card will then give you a prediction.

Hi, I am getting a weird outcome in my flow for a rainy day like today.
Is it I, the app, or Homey doing something weird here?

Hi there. Just tested this myself and it works as expected here. Are you sure you do not have several SMHI devices and you picked one in the flow that is set to a prediction time, eg future?

No nothing like that, correct device was chosen, SMHI weather, and as you can see the forecast is for around 12:00, the same day and time as I posted this. Never had this issue before. Very peculiar.

Hi @johan_bendz ,
I am still getting issues with both my flows and the weather situation.
The last issue I “fixed” by checking for the precipitation situation, but now the issue arises again.
The weather situation is Variable Cloudiness and that is one of the flow cards, but that returns false for some reason.
Maybe there is an issue between how the Weather Situation and Weather are linked?
Should be the same imo.

EDIT: Today it became more apparent, Weather situation vs Weather, are not the same.

EDIT nr2: Today this happened again with the Precipitation situation.
Flow is False but the 08h-device shows Rain.

Am I missing something?
Is this supposed to be like this?

Hi @johan_bendz and thanks for a great app :slight_smile:
Would it be possible for you to add a when card for “Changed gust wind speed”?

Best regards,

Hi all. (esp @j_wak)
New test version out, should have all the problems mentioned above fixed and then some.

  • Homey Pro 2023 compatible - SDK 3.
  • Fix for precipitation category and weather situation conditional cards.
  • Wind direction corrected! Some directions was off… Check your flows!
  • Added condition card “Will it rain within x hours”. (looking to add more of this kind, feel free to request.)

Oh thank you soooo much!
Will check it out :blush::blush:

Hello … @johan_bendz
I have been noticing that the Air temperature #-value sometimes does not match the Air temperature flow and-card. This morning for example it was 9.9 degrees according to the #-value, but the air temperature flow and-card triggered that it was above 13 degrees.
Are you or anyone else noticing something like that too?
I will try to troubleshoot this more and see if it happened more and when.

Hi @j_wak, thanks for bringing this to my attention. I have not noticed this in my own setup but there is an other user who reported something like this. Keep me posted.

// Johan


I’m trying to change to a 12h forecast but it doesn’t seem to bite.
It’s switching back to next hour again, even though the setting stays at 12h.

HP23 rc.118

Now, after a while it seems to have aligned properly. It must have been when switching back and forth it got confused.

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It has been hard to troubleshoot this but the temp seems to mismatch sometimes still when the temperature only has a 1-3degrees difference, for example, today, this is the weather according to the virtual device (21):

but my flowcard does not agree xD

Even more examples from 10 October, card says 1.1 air temp:

Flow says true to above 13: