Benext APP gives error when changing temperature

It seems the benext app has a bug, when i try to change the temp it reports an error:
Unable to set temperature heating control

I reported this issue on github, there are several reports but it seems there is no respond from the developer(s).
Several user reported the issue aswel but no respond, the problem is now almost 2 moths and it is getting colder outside so it would be great that the heating can be controlled again.

I reported it myself with report id and a screenshot, so did others.

I hope the developer of this app is also active on this forum and please can take a look and fix the problem.

Have you tried beta 1.1.1? This seems to work.

I Have the same issue, also it is not showing the temperature.
Were can i find the beta version. It seems we have version v1.0.7

You find the beta here:

thanks. we will try that