DELETED - OLD/ARCHIVED [APP] Homewizard Energy (stable: v0.1.7 beta: v0.1.7)

The app will run fine with existing paired devices. The problem is/was with new additions (different code section), hence new users of the app that try to add their wifi dongle. I quickly noticed the problem and fixed it and with the help of Athom reviewer instant deployed it to stable (thanks).

Thank you very much again for the quick update.

As a test, I removed the dongle and app from homey and reinstalled everything with v0.1.6.

I can confirm that it is working fine again :partying_face:


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Still doing a great job here. Very pleased with the dongle and even more with the app!

Would it be possible to hide the values for phase 2 and 3 when you only have 1 phase? Just like you did with the values for delivering to the grid? (value=0 -> not shown)
Actually “phase 1” isn’t needed then as well, 'cause that is already displayed in “power”.

(I would find “current usage” clearer than “power” but that’s perhaps just my opinion… :slight_smile:
Just like it would perhaps be more consistent to rename “gasmeter” to “aggregated meter gas” and re-arrange the icons a bit to keep them similar logically together…)

Code is there to check if meters are 0. So not sure why they show at your end.

// Phase 3 support
if (energy_current_netto_l2 !== null) {
if (!me.hasCapability(‘measure_power.l2’)) {
me.setCapabilityValue(“measure_power.l1”, energy_current_netto_l1);
me.setCapabilityValue(“measure_power.l2”, energy_current_netto_l2);
me.setCapabilityValue(“measure_power.l3”, energy_current_netto_l3);
else if (energy_current_netto_l2 == null) {
if (me.hasCapability(‘measure_power.l2’)) {

Thx for the quick reply.
Can I do something to help?

here they are also displayed. I also only use 1 phase

Please sent me a PM with your output:

http://{IP address}/api/v1/data

phase 2 and 3 give 0 watts. It is strange that your code is not working


Just sent you the output in a PM.
Hope it helps… :slight_smile:

I see homewizard has changed their API output. The phase3 now show 0 and not the original NULL value…lovely…thanks. Ok I need to update the code to reflect the API change.

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Thx for all the great work, time and effort Jeroen!

Seems an unwanted change.

Seems HomeWizard changed something back?
My meters now look like:

So back to normal it seems… :slight_smile:

Would be great if you could change “vermogen” in “huidig vermogen” (or “verbruik” perhaps) in a next update…?
“Geaggregreerd” is not really wrong perhaps but “Totaal verbruik” would make more sense perhaps…

Thanks again for the great work, @Jeroen_Tebbens!
And have a great Christmas!

If other people have no objections for the name changes?

i have no objections

No objections


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Looking good!
Bit clearer now what is meant…

Thx @Jeroen_Tebbens!

Thx indeed, :+1: