Fibaro motionsensor stopt working


I installed a fibaro motion sensor 10 mounts ago in the toilet to trigger de licht. It worked correct till
4 weeks ago it stopt working. Battery is ok, no errors. If i test the flow it works. Sometimes in the day it works but when its dark it does nog. I have tuned de sensitivity of the sensor. I can understand why it stopt working correctly.

Is there anyone whit the same problem or does anyone now how to solve it?

Maybe the motion detector is just broken. He is 10 years old. Try a different motion detector.

Its only 10 mount old 03-2020

I have the exact same problem with a Lidl motion sensor. It triggered a light. Wc and hallway are still working. The hallway upstairs stopt working. The flow works while used manually. The hallway becomes active. But no lights are triggered automatically… how is this possible???

Kind regards. I used this post because my issue seems similar…

A reset of the sensor did the trick, it was always reporting movement.

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