Firmware update of devices in Homey

Does anyone know if OTA will be a part of the Matter inplementation? I googled it but can’t find any information about this.

I don’t think even Athom knows this, but given the lack of OTA support for Zigbee and Z-Wave I don’t think they will implement it.

Is there any way to run Zigbee2MQTT on the Homey itself, so I don’t need to buy a separate Zigbee dongle just to get OTA updates?

Alternatively, can I expose Homey’s Zigbee device via the SSH sandbox over the network?

AFAIK, the Linux OS that runs on Homey doesn’t have direct access to the Zigbee hardware (like you would have when using a USB dongle), but there’s an ESP32 in between. If so, that sort of proprietary setup would make it impossible to get Z2M (or any other Zigbee implementation) to access the Zigbee chip.

Ah, so I won’t be able to forward the Zigbee serial device from the container over TCP to Z2M either. I don’t suppose there’s a “jailbreak” for Homey that allows access to the HW for these use-cases?

At least not that we know at this moment.
(And I really don’t expect it to come although it probably technically could be possible)

There is a jailbreak available, but again, the hardware is proprietary so you won’t be able to achieve much by it.

Ah, thanks, I saw the topic in the other forum now. So even if the serial device is available in /dev/, it’s not something Z2M can talk to as the communication/protocol with the device is not known?

I saw this post about adding additional ZWave controllers as client devices to Homey: Z -Stick Gen 5 (+) as Secondary Controller in Homey : Aeotec Help Desk and doing UTA updates via that, without having to remove and re-add all devices from Homey.

Is something along those lines possible if I do get a USB Zigbee dongle? And run Z2M/ZHA for the update ?

It won’t be, that’s what I’m trying to say :woozy_face:

Apologies, I was wrong: the Zigbee controller should be available as /dev/ttyZigbeeNCP. So I guess in theory, if you jailbreak your Homey you might be able to use it, although you probably have to make sure that you have exclusive access to the device (and not have the rest of Homey core crash because it can’t access it anymore).

I don’t think Zigbee has a similar concept (using a “secondary controller”).

Interesting, thanks for the details @robertklep ! I’ll post here if I end up pursuing that avenue further :slight_smile: