Homey.ink, an e-ink Homey dashboard

That’s what I did. It’s working great on my PC, but not my pad - so I’m guessing it’s something on the pad.

You can save the guest’s PC URL, and copy it to, and open it on the pad!

The URL I open on my pc was copied from the tab. It’s the exact same link, the tab just opens my main user for some reason. I’ve even created a new user with a new link - and still same result on the pad. That’s what’s puzzling… And even more puzzling as it happens in two different browsers and it’s not affected by which user’s logged into the app, homey.ink or forum :thinking:

Maybe clearing the cache, or uninstall / reboot pad / install browser does the trick.


Thanks. Did all that (except reinstalling, as I couldn’t uninstall samsung’s browser anyway). What fixed it (clearing data strangely didn’t) was using Kiwi’s built-in “delete data” function and getting rid of all cookies (which should have been removed when clearing the data…).

Thanks! Now it seems to work :slight_smile:


@ all, did somebody got this working for a Kobo reader type N613 GLO? Tried the normal procedure > verified token in Chrome and Firefox but no succes on the Kobo. Hope someone can help :).

Thanks in advance

Hi All,
I bought a second hand Kobop H2O 2nd generation to use with homey.ink but i cannot get it to work.
I managed to downgraade the firmware to get the fullscreen back, but the screen still wont turn and keeps displaying n/a for weather and not showing any favorite flows or devices (similar to the screenshot of @Stevos , but without the Good morning part since the screen its not turned… The link in the config file does work in my own browser, but it seems to do the rotation and loading of the devices after some sort of refresh. This does not seem to happen on my kobo. Does anyone know how to fix this?