Homey.ink on a tablet/desktop

Nice nice, well done! When is the Homey meetup? :innocent: :grinning:


That would be great! A beer or 2 is always nice
not so sure about Amstel though :smiley:

look for the differences! There are 7 in it


Love dark themes😀

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Awesome work! Having a little problem with the buttons in the local edition. When I press the temperature buttons the icons becomes kind of messed up. Tried with different browesers and cleared the cache. Works fine with the www.homeydash.com online edition.

Any thoughts?


That looks nice. How did you add the icons?

I use the online version (homeydash.com) on an android tablet. Looks very nice, only one issue.

The values in the sensor devices (after selecting the preferred one by clicking) is not remembered. A few hours later all the sensors are white again, displaying no value anymore.
Do other people have the same problem? I cannot reproduce it by forcing a refresh or something, happens after a few hours it looks like. I will try to some more tonight to reproduce the “resetting”.

The browser used is “fully kiosk browser”.

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I have the same behavour. This has not been like this before

Hi @Jokke,

That’s ‘by design’. When selecting a certain value (capability) to show it will now also show the icon belonging to that capability (if an icon is available) in black over the opaque device icon.
For your device icons of the first 3 sensors it doesn’t look to good unfortunately because the device icons are pretty similar to the capability icons. For me it looks like this and I’m actually quite happy with it
I’ll see if I can adjust the opacity on the device icons so it looks even better.

That is correct, see the remark when I introduced this functionality. It seems like the saving is working good and I don’t have to do too much testing on that functionality anymore so I will lengthen the duration.

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Thanks, missed that remark!

That becomes a little off-topic i guess, but made a lot of own svg icons for Virtual Devices app and installed it through CLI

But you say, it will be remembered. But it is not? And why the timer?

I’m a bit confused
 Or will you set the timer for a very long time (days, weeks, months?)? Or is this timer only for testing purposes?

It will indeed, for an hour

Maybe because he is still developing & testing? Like he said: he doesn’t want to wait for hours to see what happens

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Got it working now. If anyone else should want to check for a device or product id in an if statement this is the correct query:

if ( device.settings[“zb_device_id”] == 24321 && device.settings[“zb_product_id”] == “lumi.sens” )

You can f.i. replace a query to check if a device has a capability with this line to instead check the device id’s.
The correct settings names for a device can be found at the developer devices page.

Danish translation:

“favorite-flows”: “Favoritflows”,
“favorite-devices”: “Favoritenheder”,
“text” : {
“good”: "God ",
“evening”: “eftermiddag”,
“afternoon”: “formiddag”,
“morning”: “morgen”,
“night”: “nat”,
“today”: "I dag er det ",
“the”: “den”,
“of”: " "
“notification”: {
“title”: “Nye notifikationer”,
“nonotification”: “Der er ingen notifikationer”
“weather”: {
“title”: "Vejret i ",
“temperature”: "Temperaturen er ",
“degrees”: " grader, ",
“humidity”: "luftfugtigheden er ",
“pressure”: "% og trykket er “,
“mbar”: " mbar”
“sunevent”: {
“presunrise”: "Solen stgĂ„r op klokken ",
“postsunrise”: "Solen stod op klokken ",
“presunset”: " og vil gĂ„ ned klokken ",
“postsunset”: " og gĂ„r ned klokken "
“battery”: {
“title”: “Batteri information”,
“in”: ": ",
“has”: " har “,
“left”: “% tilbage”
“sensor”: {
“title”: “Sensor information”,
“in”: " i “,
“alarm”: " er aktiveret af alarm.”,
“noalarm”: " Der er ingen sensorer som er aktiveret af alarm.”

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Sorry I found an error :slight_smile:
Here’s the correct terms (and awesome job btw.)

“favorite-flows”: “Favoritflows”,
“favorite-devices”: “Favoritenheder”,
“text” : {
“good”: "God ",
“evening”: “aften”,
“afternoon”: “eftermiddag”,
“morning”: “morgen”,
“night”: “nat”,
“today”: "I dag er det ",
“the”: “den”,
“of”: " "
“notification”: {
“title”: “Nye notifikationer”,
“nonotification”: “Der er ingen notifikationer”
“weather”: {
“title”: "Vejret i ",
“temperature”: "Temperaturen er ",
“degrees”: " grader, ",
“humidity”: "luftfugtigheden er ",
“pressure”: "% og trykket er “,
“mbar”: " mbar”
“sunevent”: {
“presunrise”: "Solen stĂ„r op klokken ",
“postsunrise”: "Solen stod op klokken ",
“presunset”: " og vil gĂ„ ned klokken ",
“postsunset”: " og gĂ„r ned klokken "
“battery”: {
“title”: “Batteri information”,
“in”: ": ",
“has”: " har “,
“left”: “% tilbage”
“sensor”: {
“title”: “Sensor information”,
“in”: " i “,
“alarm”: " er aktiveret af alarm.”,
“noalarm”: " Der er ingen sensorer som er aktiveret af alarm.”

And i donated to DaneedeKruyff and Rob for your great job :slight_smile: