Kaku Shutters stop working after homey 6.0 update

The Kaku shutters stop working this morning. i could not open any blinds. After looking the homey has recieved an update to version 6.0. I did a reboot of the homey but no results. After an hour i could open the blinds but not in one motion they start and stop.
Please can you investigate

This is a community forum, if you have a particular support request for Athom please e-mail them at support@athom.com

That said: try removing power from Homey for about 10 minutes and see if that solves your problems.

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Often, when kaku stops responding after an update, they’ll respond
a. After some time (a few hours) or
b. Instantly by using a kaku remote or kaku wall-switch and turn stuff on and off repeatedly for a moment.

It started working after a few hours. Thanks for the response

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