Push confirmation to multiple users


Isn’t it possible to use 1 flow for sending a push confirmation to different users, and when 1 of the users selects “yes” it makes the change even when an other users selects “no”?

In this flow the first user gets a push confirmation and if he selects “no” then the next users gets a push confirmation… I want to have this in 1 flow because if anything changes then I would have to change a lot of flows for all the different users.

Thanks in advance!

How about you copy this flow so the copy has the same action but no conditions. Then change this flow to remove the conditions and replace the current actions with two actions to run 2 new flows. The new flows would each ask one user and if the answer is yes then it run the copy you made.
Then any flows that start this flow stay the same.

To try and make that a bit clearer:

This flow:
When the flow is started
Run Flow “Ask User 1”
Run Flow “Ask User 2”

“Ask User 1” flow:
When the flow is started
Mobile 1, ask the question
Run copy of original flow

“Ask User 2” flow:
When the flow is started
Mobile 2, ask the question
Run copy of original flow

Copy of original flow:
When flow is started
do original stuff