[REQUEST] manage timeline with flowcard


AFAIK it isnā€™t possible through the Homey Web Api, so no matter what I try it will never be allowed by Athom. Maybe itā€™s time to add it to the Homey Community Storeā€¦

Can anyone tell me how to upload apps there?


You can ask @MaxvandeLaar

Thanks, Iā€™ve send him a PM.


If you have a link to the GitHub repository or can zip up the app I can upload it to the HCS.


Thanks to Adrian the app is now available in the Homey Community Store. ( < Timeline ManagerĀ² > | Homey Community Store)

Iā€™ve had reports that the app must be restarted after fetching the bearer token for the first time. Please be aware of that; if something doesnā€™t work after getting your bearer than please restart app.

Have fun!


Oww thanks a mil Ricardo!!

Really nice the app is on the community store. Thanks!

The flow card: ā€œDelete notification when it contains textā€ doesnā€™t work here. Maybe itā€™s because iā€™m just using a word instead of a sentence.
Other flow cards are working great for me.

Tested it with one word and works overhere.

@Peter_de_Vos which version are you running? On the latest version (1.5.3) I also have the problem @Arjan-21 is experiencing.

Iā€™ll have a look at it soon and try to correct it. Adrian_Rockall gave me some pointers on how to make some improvements, so a new version will be release in the near future.


Still on 1.3.1

Same kind of error here.
Iā€™m still not sure, but the card without the ā€œafter xx timeā€ seems to work.

Does the text have to be case sensitive?
Can you add several words?
App v1.5.3


For me the same. Only when Iā€™m using ā€œafter xx timeā€ (And also v1.5.3)
Itā€™s unfortunately case sensitive and you can add several words. (Iā€™ve tested something without the time)

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Iā€™ve asked Adrian to publish a new version (1.5.4) on HCS, which contain quickfixes for the problem with the flowcard that delete notifications that contain text. It should also fix the need for the app to be restarted after initial configuration.

Iā€™ll add a few new options (containing multiple words, containing a matched regex expression, option to be case insensative) in the near future. But it may take some time as Iā€™m working on another app that should make debugging easier, since I canā€™t get Irritanterikā€™s Realtime Logger working anymore.

Edit: The new version is on HCS now


@Le_Cactus, thx for this app!
Just installed the app (v1.5.4) a few days ago and found out that the flow card ā€œDelete notifications from categoryā€ doesnā€™t work. Tested with ā€œPresenceā€ and ā€œSafetyā€ and confirmed by @Undertaker.

Could you PM me the log? Iā€™ll have a look at it. Youā€™ll find to log by pressing the homey logo.

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Could you please try again with version 1.5.5?

Cool, Richard, it works now with v1.5.5, tested with Flow, Energy, Presence


After rebuilding the flows it works now, tested with Presence and Security.

Thx for your support! :+1:t3:

Have to renew the bearer token every day now. More people have this issue?