Ring Doorbell V2

Ok, that did the trick :crazy_face:.


Hi Dennie,

Still having the problem with unsupported grant type. Would it be possible to make the apps settings token field editable? I do have the refresh token on my Homebridge Ring plugins configurations and could just paste it to the app and maybe get away with the error?

its a lack of time thing, any change will cost the same time i do not have.

Hi I cant add my Ring Doorbell anymore since today. First it arrived a error by making a screenshot, than I deleted the device and tried to add ist again. Bit it still ends in a time out error.

since this afternoon there has been a disturbance on the side of Ring

Ah okay. Than ist is a Ring Problem! :+1:t2: Hope they will fix it fast :sweat_smile:

Hi guys, every couple of weeks I need to re-add my Ring doorbell to get it back to work againā€¦ After some time, first the snapshot function stops working, and after some more days/weeks the complete connection with homey is broken. I have really no idea what is causing this issueā€¦ Are some of you fimiliar with this?

Wit samsung SmartThings you can add the ring doorbell as a V2, after itā€™s added you can fool it by change type to a PRO version, then all works like a charm, wouldnā€™t this be possible to add to home, that you afterwards just can say to homey it is a pro, not a v2, to have it act like a pro and solve the issue.

Hi there, recently i am experiencing some issue with ring device.

Ring doorbell does not generate a motion alarm or generic alarm to active my scenes.

Have to uninstall the app and re install the app and add the ring doorbell back to homey. This will work for awhile and suddenly no more alarm again.

What is wrong? From ring app itself, thereā€™s no problem, but it just does not relate back the alarm to homey.

2FA was working fine, no issue on that

I have the same problem. After reinstalling I do get alarm messages again (sometimes only the off messages) but not the motion messages.

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Its working again. I did nothing about it.

Lol mine just failed again

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