Ring Doorbell V2

The MFA should work just like for the other devices. Ensure you go revoke the authentication in the app settings, then go to the add device wizard, add any type of device, authenticate (login/then 2fa code) and then it should list your (if any) non-added devices.
If you already added your device, that one should now also work.
Then see if your device works completely. If not tell me what you expect to work more on the doorview device.

Hi all,

I have a Homey early 2016 and i Am trying to connect to my ring doorbell V2 i can logging but after that i get the message NO DEVICE FOUND

WHat can i do ??


no idea, if the device is not already added it should show up. you could try to install the app using the cli and use the run option to check the logging.
But in general, did you try to remove the authentication and redo the process?

What is the function of the camera button?

it should show the last grabbed snapshot (using the workflow action) in that version. new version comming that refreshes with the latest snapshot.

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Here is how I see it after a few tests, we been out infront of the camera doing some gardening me and my family, so I have a flow just triggering on movement and it works, I’ve got 10 notifications but all with the same picture, a picture grabbed before we went out with no one in it, seems like homey keeps the picture it likes and doesn’t remove it for a new one, so just reusing old one… I guess someone needs to make homey replace current picture with new one or make room to add more pictures…

Can u show us ur flows for that because here it’s working like it should with a Pro

Simple and I can’t see what would wrong

we can not force ring to make a NEW snapshot. so what it does is take the most recent snapshot. so if your ring does not make new snapshots it wont update. i gave seen this breaking in my ring device several times. the take timelaps snapshits feature really improves that stability in my setup.

Time laps snapshits feature? What’s that

Working here every time

I have the ring V2 not the pro if it’s that, that’s make a difference

The snapshit settings is just for taking snapshits between actual events. So should not interfere with taking snapshits when motion detected.

Any suggestion what one could do? Scrolling thru the thread I see many people have the same issue :confused:

Here also only “empty snapshots”.
Before it worked.

Thanks for all your work to start with, really appreciate this. Now I can use my Chime again as alert if my back door opens or my grandkids open a window upstairs (aquara sensors) But te feature to send an image to my iPhone when movement is detected by mij Ring doorbell does not work (anymore).
It sends an image bot no one is seen on it.

Must say I use version 2.2.0 of the app and have no 2fa , maybe that’s a difference?

in the last fork commit i have that empty snapshot issue also. the camera view works but notifications are empty.
i will look into that this weekend

@Ria_Banis and @Danne can you confirm what version you are using? Is it my latest fork version? or the last merge by Dennie? Cause he did not merged my last week pull yet.
Next I have a similar issue myself on my doorbell 2. If I run the flow as a test (when generic alarm is enabled then grab snapshot| other flow| when image grabbed send to phone as notification). When I test the first flow it works fine for me (still the most recent snapshot and not an always fresh one, seems to be a pro difference there) while in RL any press or trigger by the device does not give an image, its empty.

Empty in this case basicly means the API failed to reply a image and gave something else like a NOT FOUND. In my case the underlying reason is always that the API is telling me a not found.

I also have troubled snapshot behaviour in my Ring app, that one also no longer shows the triggered snapshot but the last time I viewed it. The only way for me to get it a bit stable on my doorbell 2 is to enable the snapshot in between feature so there are always recent snaps to grab. But clearly if the device is really activated it is still busy or something and you get a 404.

So I am not sure how to solve this since its not a handling the API responses and homey app issue by itself, but more a ‘I do not get why the API is behaving like that’ isse.

Hope it makes sense :frowning:

I just added a 3 second delay to grabbing, and pressed my doorbell twice within a minute. The first came back with an empty screenshot and the second with the image. So I am afraid there is a major inconsistency with the api or the device…

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