Smartplug kaku apa3-1500r icm ikea verlichting

Zigbee is a low power protocol, designed with batteries and it being a mesh network in mind, WiFi on the contrary isn’t (there is a reason mobile phones only have 1 day of battery life (not just the processor and screen), instead of several months for zigbee devices), so even if you have 100M of signal with WiFi, zigbee gets only 5-10 meter (10 if you are lucky).
Plus that they often cause more interference, then that they help each other.

I guess I’m lucky because I have a few Zigbee devices around my home that are being routed through a router device (IKEA repeater) that’s about 20m away (but I’m also lucky that my iPhone 7 lasts more than 2 days on a charge, and that my Zigbee and WiFi aren’t interfering with each other) :sunglasses:

But you also aren’t using Homey anymore :wink:

Het ziet er naar uit dat het verplaatsen van de Homey effect heeft gehad , denk dat ik deze positie maar even vasthoudt voor een paar dagen, en daarna jullie een terugkoppeling geef. iig een iedere alvast hartelijk dank