[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

@Phuturist hey man, I removed my shellies from my network. Added them again via the shelly app. Put my homey in recovery mode and removed myshellies from homey, re-added them en made all my flows again.

This because none of my Shellies were responding on input pushes which my entire house relies on. I’ve got the i/1/1pm/2,5 and none of them work with input change flows.

The relay can be controlled via Homey so it is connected and controllable. All the parameters work like power measurement, temp, input status etc.

So the only problem is input changing flows like:

IF shelly input 1 is changed (or on or off)
THEN switch on light ‘x’ on or off

Can you please take a look whilst my whole house is a mess right now? Thanks

The action events are the only functionality that solely rely on CoAP. If that’s not working for you you need to check both the coap setting of your Shelly (should be set to the IP of Homey, is not use the maintenance action) and / or is your router is blocking coap traffic (see the troubleshoot guide in the first post).

It was that setting. Wtf I didn’t touch it. Is it off by default or something? Thnx for the quick solution! It works again

It’s off by default but should be enabled during pairing of a Shelly device with Homey. Not sure why that did not happen in your case. I have not had any other report about this.

Weird, but it is fixed… I was condemning all shelly products already😅

Yeah i read that. The grass is always greener at the neighbors … :wink:

Haha! Well it is still a pain in the ass because I was re-arranging my wifi network and all of a sudden all the shelly’s were lost. Fiddling in homey and the shelly app it was a mess. So I’m still on the lookout for a local system (zwave or zigbee) that will alow me to just pair it directly to Homey.

But Shelly is the only one where you can detache the relay from the switch to only use a button press.

I want to detache the relay if I have a smart bulb installed but also have the abiloty to connect a dumb light and switch on the relay if neccessary.

v3.2.0 - 2021-08-26

  • Add support for the new Shelly Pro 4PM (uses websockets for communication).
  • Upgraded the shellies-coap library
  • Other minor improvements

is it possible to “auto power on” a shelly dimmer 2 if a dimm value has changed? Is it something what have to be changed in the shelly dimmer itself or a “homey feature” :wink:

There are other users that want to be able to change the dim level without the light going on. As this is the default behavior of the API it’s implemented like that. You can submit a feature request on GitHub and try an get support for an app wide setting that allows to configure this behavior. For now it’s not really high on my backlog.

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@Phuturist I just installed the recent test version to make a flow with the universal firmware checker. But if I click on that action trigger, my Homey android app crashes.

Edit: restarting Shelly Homey app, restarting Homey and PTP didn’t change anything, still crashes.

I see, i’ll fix it with an update later today.

You asked for a diagnostics report, here you go, don’t know if you still need it though: e12a9bf3-3231-4120-b1cb-5b5b92ed9f68

Should be fixed with v3.3.1 which is now available for testing.

Yes, it’s working again.
Now let’s wait for a firmware update to see if my flow is working :grinning:

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Could you share your flow, to show how you have it configured.


When I installed the latest test version, none of the shelly’s worked anymore.
I went back to the latest stable and it is ok again.

I’ve send you a diagnostics report

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Same here, when I go to the device it shows device.setUnavailable is not a function.

I’m aware and just pushed a new version to the test channel (v3.3.3). Please test again and let me know if this resolves the issue.