Google Nest SDM

Oooh that would be great if that would be possible… If you send the donate button in the next app I will send you a donation aswell to buy a nice wine for the sunny evenings to come.

Am I the only with the thermostat seeing no changes unless set in homey?
So when you manually change the thermostat or through the nest app, it wont reflect back to the homey app? Same with current temp?

Wow … Excellent work. I already switched to a rooted Toon a couple of months ago, but I would have loved to try this. I still have the Nest, but Toon is working very well for me too. Glad to know I have an alternative should it break down.

Edit: just to be sure, I paid my $5 for the Device Access Console.

Damn (pardon my French). After such a long time finally a solution for the Nest Thermostat that actually works.
Took me some time, but hey, I got it working. The only thing that seems to be missing is the motion sensor (is that correct?), but I assume we can all live with that. Very happy with this app. :partying_face:

Did not even know but just checked if I missed that motion event from the Thermostat doc. Looks like Google in their wisdom currently does not sent a motion event for the thermostat thru this API. When they do, I will activate the code for it.


Great work especially given how crazy complicated Google made accessing the API!

I have one problem. In the native Nest app on my iPhone I see all eight (8) thermostats (plus my three Nest protect boxes). And when authorizing in the Google Nest tab and logging in to my Google account in step 2 I see all eight (8) thermostats including one named ‘Study’. I click Next and login to my account, Advanced, ‘Go to (unsafe)’ and click Allow, then I get the banner ‘You can now close this window’. All good so far.

However when I look in the log I see ‘login() -> got 7 devices, command needed to complete Auth’, and when try and add a device the list of thermostats returned are just seven (7) devices as ‘Study’ isn’t included :frowning:

Any idea why the full list of all eight (8) thermostats isn’t being retrieved from the API and returned to the app?

Hi, nearly there… Do i need to migrate Nest Account to Google? This seems the last step to make it work. I rather not, is there a way to avoid this?

I am afraid not. Im also on the old nest account and api…

any errors in the log? anything particular with study thermostat (type or something else), the interface is picky…

Sorry, needs to be Google, it was one of the reasons i undertook this effort, i migrated as well.

I think not, but I migrated and I can tell you that my thermostat wordks fine I don’t have other nest stuff).

Ah, thx. for the reply. Onother small thing I noticed, is that the thermostat app indicates that its cooling if the temperature in the room is higher than the set temperature. It happens that I am connecteted to a city heathing system which has not the capability of cooling.
As I said, a minor thing, but sinds we thrive for perfection mayby something to look in to in due time.
Oh, I looked in that pledge fund topic, but can’t find how I can contribute.

The cooling indicator is not the same as Thermostat Mode “Cool” that you would see in Airco. It is just an indicator that the thermostat should not ask for heat (heating) from the system.
When the next update is released i will add a contribute button.

Here’s the logs. All looks fine apart from 7 of 8 thermostats returned from the API call. There’s nothing unusual about that missing thermostat, it’s running the same software as the rest and is visible and can be controlled from the Nest iOS native app.

I’m wondering if there is a tool or something I can use to manually make the API call with the same credentials to see what the Google API is returning, or if there is any error with that. Any ideas?

Not easy to just do that call outside the app. I will do some research and check back with you.


One small suggestion. Perhaps on the log tab add a switch to enable verbose logging, so more detailed log entries are written by your app. Not sure which log tool you’re using (Winston, Bunyan?) but adding log.trace or log.debug log event writes would help when trying to isolate problems like this, even writing the raw JSON that is returned from the API to the log file.

Yes, I understand the difference, but is this not a bit odd? I’ve never seen this indicator before:

Its the same in the old app from athom

Is it? Ok, I’ve never noticed.