Get a notification when the washingmachine is ready

Maybe silly question, but wouldn’t there be another flow during weekends for the price calculations as well? Or am I missing something (or doesn’t anybody do laundry during weekends but me :stuck_out_tongue: )

It’s all there. :wink:

Haha, yeah i have seen that, but does that not state:

after 7:00 on a WEEKday = daytime price
after 23:00 (and before 7:00) on a WEEKday = nighttime price

I meant that during the weekend (from Friday 23:00 and Monday 7:00) you also pay the lower price, also during daytime

So Friday night at 2300 will be night time. That changes on Monday morning at 7 to daytime.
Since Saturday is not a weekday it will not change till Monday morning

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Ah damn, you are so right lol, thanks :slight_smile:

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Thanks works great! Was able to make an exact copy and works reliable.

I do however receive false notifications once in a while (3 during this night). Any way to make the flows less sensitive? Could it be that the plug (neo zware) is too far from my homey resulting in connection loss and false positives?

Maybe you can try to change the values in flows? So if you have set lower then 100, make it 50 or so. Or before changing look first at Insight what the power does for minimum and maximum while starting and when the machine is ready.
Don’t know if this works…

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Little bit improved
Extra chromecast broadcast
“?” = a variable → WasmachineTotal
FIbaro powerplug zwave plus
LG laundry machine

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Beware when using a smart plug for the washer: e.g. the Fibaro supports only 2500W under optimal conditions (which washers are not). So even if the washer is rated below 2500 the plug may still switch off when power consumption peaks.

It is better to use 16A rated ones such as Qubino Smart Plug 16A -

It reaches 3150watt even. Since it not continuous for more then a hour its fine. It got overload protection. Still working after 3 years so I don’t care…

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Lucky you, but that may not be the case for others. I had a washer rated 2400W. It turned off on me in the middle of a program more than once, so ymmv.

Are you sure the overload protection is working btw? As you are running it over specifications?

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Mine is rated 3200 watts. It does not say anything about the continuous load nor the type of load. If the load is inductive then the peakpower it can handle is far less then the rated power. If it is like the LG direct drive, it is electronic load and switched, as such it does not have high peaks in power like the inductive ones. Besides this , the highest load is from the heating coils. So if you have an older laundry machine without electronic switching powersupply it will have much bigger peakloads which cause the protect to kick in, mainly due to the voltage is too high which can also be due to a PV-converter running fyi. The fibaro wallplug can handle 16A peaks for short amount of time. Normal plugpoints that are 16A are rated 10A continuous load which is 2200watts , fibaro does 2400watts. The z-wave wallplug 16A you suggested , is as such also rated 10A continuous load. Only thing is it triggers overload at 17.2A where the fibaro overload is triggered at far less and is voltagebased.
Sooo… it works for you, it works for me. Cautions you mentioned are based on ‘i think it works like this’
Another thing is the fibaro stuff is rated 6A and we all run it on a 16A breaker b-type which trips at 17A minimum , most of this type even more. Out of spec is more common then one thinks.

No, cautions are based on that:

  1. Most users do not understand a word you just said. I know about these kind of differences but avoided the details because most people here don’t. They just do what they think you did but may not own a highly electronic LG. The warning was more meant for others than you.
  2. Experiences of both myself and others that were the same with both Fibaro breaking off in the middle of a washing cycle and Qubino staying just fine. P.S. I owned a highly electronic Miele.
  3. Does your insurance company accept your explanation and pay out in case of an electrical fire (regardless of what actually caused it) or will they just say you were careless and deny any claim?

I got that. Hence i said if it works for you and the fibaro works for me, it all good cause it works.
As no-one has an idea what there laundry machine does, and that includes the helpdesk. You can measure it but it would still trip on twisted brown/blue wires, twisted wall socket, peaks that are too short, overload etc.
Its just a matter of trying.
Insurance i dont have that, in case i pay everything myself. I would not be worried about this thing causing fire unless you hold matches under it or if it packed in insulation tape or it be other external factors. I would be worried if it is connected to a Gamma plugpoint.
They will say the fibaro is not rated for dutch electrical system so this will definatly be a problem anyways.
As we are no idiots, warning is not needed. It works or it doesn’t. There are many other devices that are way more dangerous then these will ever be.

I was reading this with interest as I recently migrated to homey and this is still something I needed to automate again. The weird thing is that in all of you guys’ screenshots I see a ‘is false’ card with Better Logic, but I don’t have that. I only have ‘is true’, but no option for false. Which makes it impossible to create that part of the flow. What am I missing here?

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Gotcha, sorry that was a bit unintuitive for me apparently :slight_smile: Thanks!

Is there a Zigbee 16A power plug alternative, that can also monitor the power consumption?

I used an innr sp120, but yesterday it broke during a wash, after some years without any issue :man_shrugging:t3:

I also own since march 2020 a Plugwise plug 16A, but somehow I am unable to add it to homey anymore. Probably cause of very old firmware in the plug, but Im unable to update it.

Blitwolff SP-13

Blitzwolf should work with the Tuya app.