Transitions — Flexible time transitions

The new phone-app…

fixed for my testcase

okay perfect, i hope the new app-version will be soon uploaded to the appstore for ios.
so we can say, it is fixed for android but not for ios. :slight_smile:
i checked the playstore but there is only a version 2.0.2 for homey (same like ios-app).
so why do you have the version 247 ? or is it a beta or alpha version?

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With the new update it is working!

correct. problem solved! :))

My first simple transition is not working, doing something wrong but to stupid to see what, please help:

Setting transition from 0 to 0.2 in 60 seconds in 5 second steps:

Starting the transition

Dimming a INNR lamp to Waarde (value)

Lamp turns off and doesn’t transition to light :cry:


Your missing the “-“ and “,” in your card.
See my example

There are 2 “start a transition” options, i used the second one:

Maybe this second one isn’t working correct, will test it tonight.

Try a startwaarde of 0.01 instead of 0

Oké. But in your example startwaarde is missing

I know the problem, one of the transitions start’s isn’t working.

If i use this one it doesn’t work:

If i use this one it works great:

Thanx for all the help guys, finally can make some flows within 2.0 for a wake up light/alarm!

Hi all,

I am using the Transitions app in combination with Fibaro Dimmer 2 for creating a wake-up light in the master bedroom. After a few tries I had it working, but since earlier this week the bedroom lights act in a strange way. The transition itself starts smoothly, but towards the end the light goes off and on all the time. Not like flickering, but in such a frequency that turns my wife mad… She’s supposed to wake up in a nicer way :wink: I can’t switch off the light by handling the pulse switch of the bedroom, I really have to turn off the flow and switch the lights off.

Any idea what might be going wrong? See the images for the flows.

I don’t think the issue is with the Transitions app, but I can think of a few other possible reasons:

  • another flow which is interfering with this flow (for instance one that also deals with the same dimmer device)
  • a generic Homey issue (you could try and pull the power plug from Homey for about 10 minutes to see if that solves the problem)
  • an issue with the dimmer device itself (not very likely I think)

can i be curious why you are using this app for the dimmer 2, and not its build in “duration” option for the dim level?

Thanks! Just resetting via the app is not sufficient? Another flow I was using with it was just to turn it on and off, but with the dimming options of the device itself (dimm to 80% in 3 seconds) when the pulse switch is used.

I tried, but it only works for short dimming periods (e.g. to 80% in 3 seconds). 20 minutes and such does not work, unless I have done something wrong of course.

No, you want to remove power from Homey completely.

Hello! The app works perfect and it is very usefull in its simplicity. Would the “configuration” screen with the currently running transitions (like ie. in chronograph app) add much to the complexity?

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It’s not very complex, but it also isn’t a trivial addition. I’ve created an issue on Github for it, but I don’t expect to implement it anytime soon.

One more thing came to my mind in regards to the condition card. Again, similar to Chronograph app.